QatEotW Presents: Queer Camping with Juniper Lewis

Our first QatEotW Presents! Join us for a snippet of our interview on queer camps and the history of camping with Juniper Lewis, then check out their article: Queer Camping, Then and Now. For more on camping and whiteness, Juniper recommends Black Faces, White Spaces by Carolyn Finney. Also! Also! Queers at the End of the World has a Patreon where we’re putting great new content—like the rest of our interview with Juniper on video game environments. Come see us!

With Juniper Lewis

Juniper Lewis (they/them) is a graduate student at UW Madison working on their Ph.D. in cultural anthropology. Their research focuses on how kids are playing with ecology, agency, and social relations in and around massive multiplayer online games (MMOs). They have previously studied Christian summer camps. Juniper is always down to talk about religion, the environment, and all things queer.